{# load django_bootstrap5#%} CCDB server
Prof. Itay Mayrose Lab - Plant Evolution, bioinformatics, & comparative genomics

   CCDB is a community resource. If you are aware of any missing data or if any of the counts are erroneous please submit it to the forms submit new counts, or report erroneous counts.

CCDBAngiospermsRanunculaceaeThalictrumThalictrum uchiyamae

3 chromosome counts in Thalictrum uchiyamae:

Name Accepted Name Gametophytic(n) Sporophytic(2n) Data Source reference
!   Thalictrum uchiyamae Thalictrum uchiyamae Nakai   14 IPCN72 EMURA, K.M.H. 1972. Cytotaxonomical studies on the genus Thalictrum in Eurasia, with special reference to Japanese species. J. Fae. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, Sect. 3: 93-136.
!   Thalictrum uchiyamae Nakai Thalictrum uchiyamae Nakai   14 IPCN73-74 LEE, I.R. 1971. Cytotaxonomic studies on the genus Thalictrum in Soutl Korea. J. Korean Res. Inst. Better Living 7: 129-133.
!   Thalictrum uchiyamae Nakai Thalictrum uchiyamae Nakai   14 C-values database Soza VL, Haworth KL, Di Stilio VS. 2013. Timing and consequences of recurrent polyploidy in Meadow-Rues (Thalictrum, Ranunculaceae). Molecular Biology and Evolution 30: 1940-1954.